12 easy steps to get more followers on #twitter – Beginners guide

1.        Although you can buy followers, they are often not good quality, and there only use is to make your twitter seem more popular.

2.       The best way to make twitter work is to spend time on it, engaging with the other people’s twitter who you share interests with.

3.       Regular posting is always good, at least ones a week. Always include an image. The adage still holds true. I image is worth 1000 words.

4.        Politeness counts, it’s a large world out there and people are looking for connections, if they like or share your posts, always say thank you. You do not have to share their posts back or follow them!

5.       Make lists. A list is easy to make in twitter, (image attached) find a profile that you want to add to a list, then click on the drop-down menu, which is by the follow button, 3 small dots. Then click on add or remove from lists.

6.       If you don’t have any lists yet, it will prompt you to create a list. You do not have to follow anyone to add them in a list. You list can be public or private.

7.       Make sure that your images on your profile are good quality and that your blurb is reinvent with links that work

8.       Engage with your audience by do some live steaming. Periscope is the equivariant of Facebook Live. Your periscope will appear live in your feed and will stay in your feed after its finished, so people can view it from the beginning. For more about periscope, check out my blog post, https://amreadingamwriting.wordpress.com/social-media-tips/

9.      Be off use. Either by sharing a link to a blog post that you have written or retweeting a post that is helpful

10.     Tending #hashtags. I went to a social media expert meeting in London, a couple of years ago, were they announced that hashtags were dead. Their reasoning for this was that people where using tending hashtags on none related tweets, and that people would stop using them. But here we are now, and they are more used than ever especially by Instagram.

11.   Link your social media together to share over one platform, using Instagram for instant shares or Hootsuite for scheduling.

12.   Be yourself! People are looking to make connections. Share story’s and images that are genuine. #cuteness wins, if you have a cute pet share a photo. This make the whole world a happier place.


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